“Develop guidelines for recognition of prior learning and training of occupational health and safety representatives and union shop stewards in the SAMI”
“Develop guidelines for recognition of prior learning and training of occupational health and safety representatives and union shop stewards in the SAMI”
Research Document | |
SIM 030802_Development of sensitive tools for active case finding of tuberculosis (Phase I) Report | SIM 030802_Development of sensitive tools for active case finding of tuberculosis (Phase I) Report.pdf |
Health 817_ A pilot study to assess the heat tolerance of female miners (1 volume, 40 pages) Report | Health 817_ A pilot study to assess the heat tolerance of female miners (1 volume, 40 pages) Report.pdf |
Health 808_Develop tech. transfer prog. enhance clinical performance in TB man | Health 805_Develop percentile charts semi-quantitative tracking of lung functions Report.pdf |
Health 805_Develop percentile charts semi-quantitative tracking of lung functions | Health 804_Hazards relating to multiple chemical exposure in mineral processing Report.pdf |
Health 804_Hazards relating to multiple chemical exposure in mineral processing | Health 804_Hazards relating to multiple chemical exposure in mineral processing Report.pdf |
Health 711_Nervous system effects environmental manganese exposure | Health 711_Nervous system effects environmental manganese exposure Report.pdf |
Health 709_Identification of health hazards relating to toxic substances in silicon smelters | Health 709_Identification of health hazards relating to toxic substances in silicon smelters Report.pdf |
GEN 011_Develop means to enhance the effectiveness of existing hearing conservation programmes | |
Health 706 Compensation through autopsies conducted under the ODMW Act | Health 706 Report.pdf |
Health 610 Lung function reference tables for the South African mining industry | tables.pdf |
GEN 701 Best Practice Conveyor Belts | GEN 701 Report.pdf |
Gen 524 Study of effectiveness of annual & 6 monthly screening with MMR | Gen 524 Report.pdf |
GEN 509 Surveillance of respiratory disease across the mining industry | Gen 509 Pages 1-40.pdf, Gen 509 Pages 41-99.pdf, Gen 509 Pages 100-158.pdf, Gen 509 Pages 159-193.pdf, Gen 509 Appendix A-H.pdf, Gen 509 Appendix I-N.pdf |
SIM 130501 A global syrvey of system and technology suitable for vehicle to person collision avoidance | SIM 130501 A global syrvey of system and technology suitable for vehicle to person collision avoidance Report.pdf |
SIM 050502 Review and Consolidate the HIRA | SIM 050502 Review and Consolidate the HIRAReport.doc |
SIM 050501 Track B- Noise control new technologies (Drilling) | SIM 050501 Track B- Noise control new technologies (Drilling) Report.pdf |
Research Document | |
COL 601 Remote flammable gas detection measuring device | COL 601_Remote flammable gas detection measuring device Report.pdf |
COL 502 Design, construction and testing of underground seals | COL 502_Design, construction and testing of underground seals Report.pdf |
COL 501 To test dispersed stone dust barriers for effective in bord and pillar coal | COL 501_To test dispersed stone dust barriers for effective in bord and pillar coal mines Report.pdf |
COL 465 Determining the friction factors for underground colliery bord and pillar workings | COL 465_Determining the friction factors for underground colliery bord and pillar workings Report.pdf |
COL 409 Methane layering in bord and pillar working | COL 409_Methane layering in bord and pillar working Report.pdf |
COL 322 Systems to limit coal dust and methane explosions in coal mines | COL 322_Systems to limit coal dust and methane explosions in coal mines Report.pdf |
COL 303 Methane prediction in collieries | COL 303_ Methane prediction in collieries Report.pdf |
COL 236 Assessment of dispersed barrier | COL 236_Assesment of dispersed barrierSummary.PDF |
COL 205 Reduce explosion risks and improve safety and health conditions by better ventilation practices in mechanical miner headings | COL 205_Reduce explosion risks and improve safety and health conditions by better ventilation practices in mechanical miner headings Report.pdf |
COL 104 Determine the feasibility of techniques for simulating coal dust | COL 104_Determine the feasibility of techniques for simulating coal dust explosions Report.pdf |
COL 010 Assessment of explosion barriers | COL 010_Assessment of explosion barriers Report.pdf |
COL 316 Optimize awareness of hazards in underground coal mines caused by electrical ignitions | COL 316 Report.pdf |
COL 205 Reduce methane (Explosion and fire risk Improve ventilation in miner headings | COL 205 Report.pdf |
COL 030 Reduce the methane hazards in collieries | COL 030 Report 1.pdf, COL 030 Report 2.pdf |
SIM 100601 Noise-Induced hearing loss and Silicosis prevention audit tools for use in the South African mining industry | SIM 100601 Report.pdf |
SIM 050603 Pilot study to determine the extent and nature of occupational exposure to airborne pollutants associated with clay mining and brick-making | SIM 050603 Report.pdf |
SIM 020604 Quantification of Inherent Respirable Dust Generation Potential (IRDGP) of South African Coals. | SIM 020604 Report.pdf |
SIM 050601 Exposure to and effects of carbon monoxide in deep underground mines. | SIM 050601 Report.doc |
SIM 020601 Investigation of Crystalline Phases in Silica Fume | SIM 02-06-01 Final Report.pdf |
Research Document | |
SIM 020603 SIMRAC Silicosis Control Programme – Phase 1 | Sim 02 06 03 final Report.pdf |
HEALTH 705 Provisional assessment of the impact of adding sputum screening to existing active case finding methods for tuberculosis in a gold mining workforce. | Health 705 Report.pdf |
GEN 208 Control of diesel exhaust emission in underground workings | GEN 208 Report.pdf |
SIM 100801 Adverse health impacts associated with dust emissions from gold mine tailings | SIM 100801 Year 1 Report.pdf |
SIM 020603 SIMRAC Silicosis Control Programme – Phase 1 | SIM 020603 Report.pdf |
GAP 802 Quantification of Dust Generating Sources in Gold and Platinum Mines | GAP 802 Report.pdf |
GAP 326 Gravimetric Dust Sampling for Control purposes and occupational Dust Sampling. | GAP 326 Report.pdf |
GAP 046 Personal gravimetric dust sampling and risk assessment. | GAP 046 Report.pdf |
COL 467 The reduction of the safety and health risk associated with the generation of dust on strip coal mine haul roads. | COL467.pdf |
COL 807 Dust-control for thick-seam wall Mines | COL 807 Report.pdf |
COL 603 Underground Road Header Environmental Control | COL 603 Report.pdf |
SIM 040302 The determination of loading conditions for crush pillars and the performance of crush pillar under dynamic loading | SIM 040302 Report.pdf |
SIM 020304 Improved seismic locations and location techniques | SIM 020304 Report.pdf |
GAP 852 Experimental validation of a mine-wide continuous closure monitoring system as a decision making tool for gold mines | GAP 852 Report.pdf |
GAP 816b Review of past research areas – seismology and mine layout design | GAP 816B Report.pdf |
GAP 816b Review of past research areas – seismology and mine layout design | GAP 816B Report.pdf, GAP 816B Summary.pdf |
GAP 811 Criteria for preconditioning at varying stoping widths in different geotechnical areas | GAP 811 Report.pdf |
GAP 709b The meaningful use of peak particle velocity at excavation surface for the optimization | GAP 709B Report.pdf |
GAP 709a Peak particle velocities at excavation surface rockburst support criteria | GAP 709A Report.pdf |
GAP 708 The design and development of an effective support system for tabular stopes in gold and platinum mines | GAP 708 Report.pdf |
Research Document | |
GAP 612 Relationship between ERR, system stiffness parameters and seismic energy release | GAP 612 Report.pdf |
GAP 606 Support technologies to cater for rockbursts and falls of ground in the immediate face area | GAP 606 Summary.pdf, Chap1 Final.pdf, Chap2 Final.pdf, Chap3 Final.pdf, Chap4 Final.pdf, Chap5 Final.pdf, Chap6 Final.pdf, Chap7 Final.pdf, Chap8 Final.pdf |
GAP 409 Seismology for rockburst prediction | GAP 409 Report.pdf |
GAP 341 An Investigation into the accessibility of the seismically active fault plane in which to perfom controlled fault slip | GAP 341 Report.pdf |
GAP 223 Deep Mine Layout Design Criteria | GAP 223 Summary.pdf |
GAP 223 Deep Mine Layout Design Criteria | GAP 211 Report.pdf |
GAP 211 Non Linear Seismology | GAP 211 Report.pdf |
GAP 201 Improvement of Mine Worker’s Safety through the investigation of the site response to Rockbursts. | |
GAP 114 Loading system stiffness of fault slip events | GAP 114 Report.pdf |
GAP 017 Seismology for Rockbursts prevention, control and prediction. | GAP 017 Report.pdf |
GAP 003 Preliminary study of the effects of fault properties and mining geometry on the stiffness of the loading system in faults slip seismic events as basis for identifying situation prone to seismic activity. | GAP 003 Report.pdf |
SIM 040301 Evaluation of the design criteria of Regularly Spaced Dip Pillars (RSDP) based on their in-situ performance | SIM 040301 Report.pdf, SIM 040301 Supplementary material.pdf |
SIM 020307 Calibration of intergration-ready numerical models to real seismic data | SIM 020307 Report.pdf |
SIM 020302 Proactive approaches to rockmass stability and control | SIM 020302 Booklet – Panel Scheduling.pdf,SIM 020302 Booklet – Tap Tests.pdf, SIM 020302 Report.pdf |
SIM 020301 New criteria for rockmass stability and control using integration of seismicity and numerical modelling | SIM 020301 Report.pdf |
SIM 050603 Pilot study to determine the extent and nature of occupational exposure to airborne pollutants associated with clay mining and brick-making | SIM 050603 Summary.Pilot study to determine the extent and nature of occupational exposure to airborne pollutants associated with clay mining and brick-making.pdf |
SIM 020604 Inherent Respirable Dust Generation Potential (IRDGP) of South African Coals | SIM 020604 Report.Inherent Respirable Dust Generation Potential (IRDGP) of South African Coals.pdf, SIM 020604 Summary.Inherent Respirable Dust Generation Potential (IRDGP) of South African Coals.PDF |
SIM 020601 Investigation of Crystalline Phases in Silica Fume | SIM 020601 Report.Investigation of Crystalline Phases in Silica Fumes.pdf |
SIM 020601 Investigation of Crystalline Phases in Silica Fume | SIM 020601 Summary.Investigation of Crystalline Phases in Silica Fumes.pdf |
SIM 020605 An Investigation into the Surface Activity of Airborne Particles in the Gold Mining Environment | SIM 020605 Summary.An Investigation into the Surface Activity of Airborne Particles in the Gold Mining Environment.pdf |
Research Document | |
GAP 730 The Effectiveness and Profile of the SIMRAC Research Effort in Improving Safety in the Gold and Platinum Sectors | GAP 730 – Improving Safety in Gold and Platinum Sectors_R_B_GAP_Rep.pdf |
GAP 730 The Effectiveness and Profile of the SIMRAC Research Effort in Improving Safety in the Gold and Platinum Sectors | GAP 730 – Improving Safety in Gold and Platinum Sectors_R_B_GAP_Rep.pdf |
SIM 020904 Investigation into Slipping and Falling Accidents and Materials Handling in the South Affrican Mining Industry | SIM 020904 Report – Investigation into Slip and Fall and Material Handling in SAMI_R_SP_G_Sum.pdf, SIM 020904 Report – Investigation into Slip and Fall and Material Handling in SAMI_R_SP_Rep.pdf |
SIM 130501 Global technologies vehicle to person detection | SIM 130501 Report.pdf, SIM 130501 Summarry.pdf |
SIM 120501 Noise controls for mining equipment | SIM 120501 Report.pdf, SIM 120501 Summary.pdf |
SIM 110501 Improvement of noise induced hearing loss awareness | SIM 110501 Report.pdf |
GEN 810 Development of a smart rockbolt for underground monitoring operations | GEN 810 Report.pdf, GEN 810 Summary.pdf |
SIM 050501 NIHL prevention programe | Appendix 1 Ultrasonic drilling.pdf, Appendix 2 ultrasonic breaking.pdf, SIM 050501 Report.pdf, SIM 050501 Summary.pdf |
Investigation into support systems in SA Collieries(b) | SIM 020205 Booklet.pdf, SIM 020205b Report.pdf, SIM 020205b Summary.pdf |
OTH 308 An investigation into the influence of Haul Road Design, Construction and maintenance practices on transport accidents for surface and underground mines; and to determine further research to improve safe transportation operating conditions | OTH 308 Report.pdf |
Investigation into drawpoints, tips orepasses and chutes | OTH 303 Booklet.pdf, OTH 303 Report Vol 1.pdf, OTH 303 Report Vol 2.pdf, OTH 303 Summary.pdf |
SIM 040205C QA for pumping support systems – Phase 3 | SIM 040205C Report.pdf, SIM 040205C Summary.pdf |
OTH 202 Investigation of the causes of transport and tramming accidents on mines other than coal, goal and platinum | OTH 202 Summary.pdf, OTH 202 VOL1.pdf, OTH 202 VOL2.pdf |
SIM 040205C QA for pumping support systems – Phase 3 | SIM 040205C Report.pdf, SIM 040205C Summary.pdf |
GEN 311 Evaluation and further development of a quite non-atmospheric polluting blast | GEN 311 Report.pdf, GEN 311 Summary.pdf |
SIM 040206 Assessment of SIMRAC rock related research | SIM 040206 Report.doc, SIM 040206 Summary.doc |
GAP 703 Coupling systems and designs in use in the gold and platinum sector | GAP 703 Report.pdf |
GAP 703 Coupling systems and designs in use in the gold and platinum sector | GAP 703 Report.pdf |
SIM 120201 Guidelines on the Falls of Ground in platinum and gold mines | SIM 120201 Report.pdf, SIM120201 Summary.pdf |
GAP 520 Investigate safety of rail vehicles and systems operating in south african gold mines | GAP 520 Report.pdf, GAP 520 Summary.pdf |
Research Document | |
SIM 120201 Guidelines on the Falls of Ground in platinum and gold mines | SIM 120201 Report.pdf, SIM120201 Summary.pdf |
GAP 821 Further assessment of seismic hazard/risk in the Bushveld complex platinum mines and the implication for regional and local support design | GAP 821 Report.pdf, GAP 821 Summary.pdf |
SIM 050302 Minimizing the rockburst risk (phase 2) | SIM 050302 Report.pdf |
SIM 120201 Technology Transfer for ‘A Risk Based Approach to Enhancing Support Design in Bushveld Underground Mines | SIM120201 Summary.pdf, SIM 120201 Report.pdf |
SIM 040303 Lead-lag design criteria and seismicity patterns | SIM 040303 Presentation.pdf, SIM 040303 Report.pdf, SIM 040303 Summary.pdf |
SIM 140201 Training extension for the adoption of a risk-based approach to support design in Bushveld underground mines | SIM 140201 Report.pdf, SIM 140201 Summary.pdf |
SIM 140301 Technology transfer on minimizing seismic risk in the platinum mines | SIM 140301 Final Report.pdf, SIM 140301 Summary.pdf |
SIM 140202 Identify opportunities to improve the safety of baring-down practices | RCAT Chart.pdf, SIM 140202 Report.pdf, SIM 140202 Summary.pdf, SIM 140202 Appendix A_ Questionnaires.pdf, SIM 140202 Appendix B_Questionnaire Statistics.pdf, SIM 140202 Appendix C – Field and Photo Log.pdf, Barring Booklet Final V1.pdf |
SIM 140205 Fluid-induced seismicity in the central rand basin area: ground motion prediction and the development of early warning systems for risk reduction: year 2 | SIM 140205 Report.pdf, SIM 140205 Summary.pdf |
SIM 140204 Integration of the South African National Seismograph Network and Database with mining networks as per the recommendations in chapter 1 of the presidential mine and safety audit 2008; Phase 2 | SIM 140204 Report.pdf, SIM 140204 Summary.pdf |
SIM 150201 Develop methodologies for determining maximum mining spans (bord widths) applicable to platinum and chrome bord and pillar mines in the Bushveld Complex | SIM 150201 Final Report.pdf, SIM 150201 Handbook.pdf, SIM 150201 Summary.pdf |
SIM 110201 Fluid-induced seismicity in the central rand basin area: ground motion prediction and the development of early warning systems for risk reduction | SIM 110201 Report Part 1.pdf, SIM 110201 Report Part 2.pdf, SIM 110201 Report Part 3.pdf, SIM 110201 Summary.pdf, SIM 110201 Year 1 Report.pdf |
SIM 150202 Design a feasible methodology for selecting permanent areal support for varying environments in underground mines | SIM 150202 Final Interim report.pdf, SIM 150202 Summary.pdf, SIM150202 Guide Booklet.pdf |
HEALTH 824 A cross-sectional study to determine the potential mutagenic exposure from diesel exhaust emissions in underground coal mines in South Africa | Health 824 Summary.A cross-sectional study to determine the potential mutagenic exposure from diesel exhaust emissions in underground coal mines in South Africa.pdf |
HEALTH 604 Proposed rational strategic criteria for routine measurement of exposure to respirable dust in South African mines | HEALTH 604 Report.Proposed rational strategic criteria for routine measurement of exposure to respirable dust in South African mines.pdf |
OTH 409 The positive identification of asbestos or other fibres in the mining of kimberlite deposits and an evaluation of relevant TLVs | OTH 409 Appendix.The positive identification of asbestos or other fibres in the mining of kimberlite deposits and an evaluation of relevant TLVs.pdf, OTH 409 Report.The positive identification of asbestos or other fibres in the mining of kimberlite deposits and an evaluation of relevant TLVs.pdf, OTH 409 Summary.The positive identification of asbestos or other fibres in the mining of kimberlite deposits and an evaluation of relevant TLVs.pdf |
COL 027 Handbook to reduce the exposure of workers to dust | COL 027 Summary.Handbook to reduce the exposure of workers to dust.PDF, COL 027 Report.Handbook to reduce the exposure of workers to dust.pdf |
GAP 046 Personal Gravimetric Dust Sampling and Risk Assessment | GAP 046 Summary.Personal Gravimetric Dust Sampling and Risk Assessment.PDF, GAP 046 Report.Personal Gravimetric Dust Sampling and Risk Assessment.pdf |
MHSC 0311415 Develop an operations manual for the implementation of the revised code of practice for the assessment of personal exposure to airborne pollutants | MHSC0311415 Report.Personal exposure to airborne pollutants.pdf |
COL 515 Engineering Gravmimetric Monitoring Methods to Cope With Excessively High Dust Levels-2 | COL 515 Report.Engineering Gravimetric Monitoring Methods to Cope with Excessively High Dust Levels-2.pdf |
Research Document | |
SIM 140701 Develop feasible methodologies to aid escape in poor visibility in underground enviroment | 11. SIM 14 07 01 Final Report.pdf, 11. SIM 14 07 01 Summary.pdf |
SIM 020703 Vibration – Seating | 9. SIM 02 07 03 Summary.doc |
SIM 020701 The clinical value of immittance testing in the identification of ear pathology in South African mineworkers | 8. SIM 02 07 01 Part 2 Final Report.doc |
SIM 020701 Evaluate the viability of auditory steady state response testing for pseudohypacusic workers in South African mining industry | 8. SIM 02 07 01 Part 1 Final Report.pdf, 8. SIM 02 07 01 Summary.pdf |
GEN 420 An examination of methods whereby noise levels in current and new equipment may be reduced | 4. GEN 420 Final Draft Report.pdf |
To establish the presence of M tuberculosis in the underground workplaces on the gold mines | To establish the presence of M tuberculosis in the underground workplaces on the gold mines.pdf |
GAP 642 Design and development of a quiet, self-thrusting blast hole drilling system | 3. GAP 642 Final Report.pdf, 3. GAP 642 Summary.pdf |
HEALTH 701 Strategies for reducing the burden of TB infection and diseases in South African goldminers | Strategies for reducing the burden of TB infection and diseases.pdf |
Respiratory health effects in relation to crystalline silica | Respiratory health effects in relation to crystalline silica.pdf |
Assessment of world-wide illumination and visibility standards in coal mines | 2. COL 451 Final Report.pdf, 2. COL 451 Appendix.pdf, 2. COL 451 Recommendations Report.pdf |
Respiratory disease in the South African Platinum Mining industry | Respiratory diseases_Platinum Mines.pdf |
Respiratory diseases among South African coal miners | Respiratory diseases among South African coal miners.pdf |
Pulmonary tiberculosis in relation to lung function loss | Pulmonary tiberculosis in relation to lung function loss.pdf |
Provisional assessment of the impact of adding sputum | Provisional assessment of the impact of adding sputum.pdf |
Process based perfomance review for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis | Process based perfomance review for the diagnosis of PTB.PDF |
SIM 030803 Markers for prediction and early detection of pneumoconiosis | Markers for prediction and early detection of pneumoconiosis.pdf |
COL 714 Quantification of noise sources in mechanical board and pillar coal mining | 1. COL 714 Final Report.pdf, 1. COL 714 Summary.pdf |
SIMHEALTH 610A Development of lung function reference tables suitable for use in the SAMI | Development of lung function reference tables suitable for use in the SAMI.PDF |
SIM 020205B Optimisation of support in collieries (a continuation of SIM020205) | SIM 020205b Report.pdf |
SIM 020205 An investigation into the support systems in South African collieries (214 p.) | SIM 020205 Report.pdf |
Research Document | |
COL 816 Developing mobile crack-counting recordings in a stooping environment in coal mines | COL816 Report.pdf |
COL 815 Develop international links for co-operative research in coal mining | COL 815 Report.pdf |
COL 812 Rating system for coal mine roofs | COL 812 Report.pdf |
COL 810 The Impact of Geotechnical Factors | COL810 Report.pdf |
COL 802 Survey of horizontal stresses in coal mines from available measurements and mapping | COL802 Report.pdf |
COL 709 Development of a method to estimate coal pillar loading | COL 709 Report.pdf |
COL 704 Suitable long tendon(2.5m -15m) technologies and practices | COL 704 Report.pdf, Col704.pdf, Col704L.pdf |
COL 703 Investigation of system to provide early warning of roof falls | COL703 Report.pdf |
COL 702 Practice and guidelines of water barrier pillars | COL 702 Report.pdf |
COL 613 In-loco inspection of current roof falls to determine causes | COL613 Report.pdf |
COL 609 Support installation practice in mechanical miner workings | COL 609 Report.pdf |
COL 607 Predicting goafing by micro seismic monitoring techniques | |
COL 504 Simple users guide on roof support installations and evaluation | COL504 Report.pdf |
COL 503 Literature survey on the advance deterioration of dykes in underground coal mine workings | COL503 Report.pdf |
COL 439 Determine the need to research the time related stability decay of bord and pillar systems | COL439 Report.pdf |
COL 337 Coal Pillar Design Procedures | COL337 Report.pdf |
COL 328 Review of current design methodologies to improve the safety of roof support systems, particularly in the face area in collieries | COL 328 Report.pdf |
COL 327 Review the caving mechanisms around high extraction systems and determine the effect of the mechanisms on the safety of the systems | COL 327 Report.pdf |
COL 326 Conceptual development of a method to determine the principal stress around coal mine workings to ensure safe mine designs | COL 326 Report.pdf |
COL 026 Multi-seam design procedures | COL 026 Report.pdf |
Research Document | |
COL 021A Assessment of coal pillar design procedures | COL 021 Report.pdf |
COL 005 The effect of structural discontinuities on coal pillar strength as a basis of improving safety and the design of coal pillar systems | COL 005 Report.pdf |
GAP 730 The effectiveness and profile of the SIMRAC research effort | GAP 730 Report.pdf |
SIM 130102 leading practices mundele | Final Report Project SIM130102.pdf |
SIM 030102 A survey of the health and safety culture in the South African mining industry | SIM 03 01 02 Report.pdf |
SIM 020103 ‘Alcohol and cannabis use among South African Mines | SIM 020103 Final report.pdf |
Improve the Safety of workers by investigating the reasons why accepted Safety and Work Standards are not complied with on Mines | GEN 213 Report.pdf |
COL307 Identification of causes of unsafe acts or neglect resulting in roof or side wall accidents | COL 307 Report.pdf |
COL203 Engineering human factors in machinery and transport accidents | COL 203 Report.pdf |
SIM 140201 Training extension for the adoption of a risk-based approach to support | SIM 140201 Report.pdf |
SIM 130904 Thermal Stress-Iyashisa Game | SIM 130904 Report.pdf |
SIM 120201 Technology Transfer for “A Risk Based Approach to Enhancing Support Design | SIM 120201 Report.pdf |
MHSC Guideline on identification and adoption of Leading Practices | MHSC Guideline on identification and adoption of Leading Practices.pdf |
Culture Transformation Framework (CTF) | Changing Minds, Changing mines researchs for Culture Transformation Framework Report.pdf |
MHSC Research Projects Update- Special Projects | MHSC Research Projects Update- Special Projects.docx |
MHSC Research Projects Update- Rockburst | MHSC Research Projects Update- Rockburst.docx |
MHSC Research Projects Update- Machinery | MHSC Research Projects Update- Machinery.docx |
MHSC Research Projects Update – Rockfalls | MHSC Research Projects Update – Rockfalls.docx |
MHSC Research Projects Update – Physical Hazards | MHSC Research Projects Update – Physical Hazards.docx |
Research Document | |
MHSC Research Projects Update – Occupational Diseases | MHSC Research Projects Update – Occupational Diseases.docx |
MHSC Research Projects Update – Human Factor | MHSC Research Projects Update – Human Factor.docx |
MHSC Research Projects Update – Airborne | MHSC Research Projects Update – Airborne.docx |
2014 OHS Summit milestones | 2014 OHS Summit Milestones.pdf |
SIM 130401 Pressurised gases in Bushveld Complex | SIM 130401 Report.pdf |
SIM 050401 Development, evaluation and testing of an alternative onboard continuous miner scrubbers | SIM 050401 Report.pdf |
Women in Mining (WIM) | SIM 130903 Report.pdf |
SIM 140901 | SIM140901 Final Report.pdf |
SIM 130901 Health and safety impacts of socioeconomic conditions and other matters relating to living conditions in the South African mining industry | SIM 130904 Report.pdf |
SIM 130901 Health and safety impacts of socioeconomic conditions and other matters relating to living conditions in the South African mining industry | SIM130901 Report.pdf |
SIM 110905 The relationship between physiological strain and physical work requirements | SIM 110905 Report.pdf |
SIM 110901 Characterising the risk of human exposure and health impacts from acid mine drainage | SIM110901 Report.pdf |
SIM 100903 An investigation of the requirements for the development of an information management system | SIM 100903 Report.pdf |
SIM 100901 New approaches to induct employees in the SAMI on dangers related to thermal stress | SIM 100901 Report.pdf |
MHSC Guideline on identification and adoption of Leading Practices | MHSC Guideline on identification and adoption of Leading Practices.pdf |
2014 OHS Summit milestones | 2014 OHS Summit Milestones.pdf |
TB Leading practices | TB Leading Practices Project – Final Report.pdf |
SIM 140802 Impact of HIV and ARVs on auditory system. | SIM 140802 FINAL REPORT.pdf |
SIM 140801 Adverse health impacts associated with dust emissions from tailings. | SIM 140801 Final report.pdf |
SIM 100801 Adverse health impacts associated with dust emissions from tailings. | SIM 100801 Year 1 Report.pdf |
Research Document | |
SIM 050803 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder | SIM 050803 Report.pdf |
SIM 140701 Develop Feasible Methodologies to Aid Escape in Poor Visibility | SIM 140701 Final Report.pdf |
SIM 100601 NIHL and Silicosis prevention audit tools for use in SAMI | SIM 100601 Report.pdf |
SIM 020605 An Investigation into the Surface Activity of Airborne Particles in the Gold mining Environment | SIM 020605 Report.pdf |
Personal exposure to airborne pollutants | Personal exposure to airborne pollutants Report.pdf |
SIM 130502 How can the risks associated with differing interface protocols between PDS and machinery control systems be managed | SIM 130502 Milestone 1 Report.pdf |
SIM 130501 Global technologies vehicle to person detection | SIM 130501 Report.pdf |
SIM 120501 Noise controls for mining equipment | SIM 120501 Report.pdf |
SIM 110501 Improvement of Noise-induced Hearing Loss awareness | SIM 110501 Report.pdf |
SIM 050501 NIHL Prevention Programme | SIM 050501 Report.pdf |