Opening hours : Mon - Fri : 8am-5pm
\"Every mine worker returning from work unharmed every day.\"


The Mine Health and Safety Council is a national public entity (Schedule 3A) established in terms of the Mine Health and Safety Act, No 29 of 1996, as amended.


The entity comprises a tripartite board represented by State, Employer, and Labour members under chairmanship of the Chief Inspector of Mines. The MHSC is funded by public revenue and is accountable to Parliament.


The main task of the Council is to advise the Minister of Mineral Resources on occupational health and safety legislation and research outcomes focused on improving and promoting occupational health and safety in South African mines. The Council also oversees the activities of its committees; promotes a culture of health and safety in the mining industry; arranges a summit every two years to review the state of occupational health and safety at mines; and liaises with the Mining Qualifications Authority and any other statutory bodies about mining health and safety.

The Committees of the Council are the following SIMRAC, MRAC, MOHAC, Audit & Risk Committee, MITHAC, HRRAC and CTAC are established with the following functions:

  • Mining Regulation Advisory Committee (MRAC)
    Advises the Council on proposed regulatory changes, guidelines for codes of practice; and on national standards to be approved by the South African Bureau of Standards.
  • Mining Occupational Health Advisory Committee (MOHAC)
    Is tasked to advise the Council on health policies, standards, systems and procedures related to occupational health risks, health regulations, health research and health data.
  • Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee (SIMRAC)
    Reviews OHS risks and establishes the need for OHS research projects; establishes criteria for determining the funding of health and safety research; evaluates research proposals; and oversees the research programme and the technology transfer of research outcomes.
  • Audit and Risk Committee (ARC)
    Is established in terms of Treasury Regulation 27.1.1 to assist the Council in discharging its duties relating to the safeguarding of assets, the operation of adequate systems, control processes and the preparation of accurate financial reporting and statements in compliance with all applicable legal requirements and accounting standards.
  • Mining Industry HIV/AIDS and TB Advisory Committee (MITHAC)
    Mandate of MITHAC to provide advice and reliable information on occupational health policies and regulatory mechanisms that impact on TB & HIV/AIDS in the mining sector of South Africa;
    To identify policy gaps in TB & HIV/AIDS for the mining sector; and
    To recommend appropriate TB & HIV/AIDS policies and regulatory framework or amendments to the MHSC on an annual basis.
  • Human Resources and Remuneration Advisory Committe (HRRAC)
    Mandate is to advise the Council on matters related to Human Resource Management in general, recommend and oversee the policy for the remuneration of employees.
  • Culture and Transformation Advisory Committee (CTAC)
    CTAC is to pursue the potential contribution of all culture transformation effort towards improvement in the health and safety performance of the mining industry; and
    To provide an oversight role on the overall performance of culture transformation against the set standards of the mining sector including;
    To advise the Council regarding the communication and promotional campaigns required to drive the implementation of the culture transformation framework